Advanced Dynamics visits Pack Leader in Taiwan

To paraphrase our company ethos, … relationships matter!  They are vital to all businesses and can be supported by a myriad of media in this electronic age. However, nothing maintains and builds a relationship quite like a solid handshake, face-to-face discussions and stories shared over a meal and a few beers. 

Recent testimony to this was experienced on our recent visit to see our principal supplier and business partner Pack Leader in Taiwan.

Due various factors, none the least a worldwide pandemic that shut down travel for some 2 years, Tom and Malcolm (or should we call them Philious Fogg and his faithful sidekick Passepartout?) had been unable to visit the Pack Leader family, Sunny, Tim and Shanni Hsieh on home soil for some 6 years.

Cut to January this year and it was as if no time had passed, when old friends sat down to discuss all things Advanced Dynamics and Pack Leader.  Great friends and partners yes, but something had changed.

It was clear that 6 years of electronic communication and e-meetings had taken its toll.  The close bond and personal relationship that we shared had become, well, transactional………  Not what we at Advanced Dynamics do….. at all.

Fast forward 72 hours, several constructive meetings had, a good-few meals shared, and many beers consumed, aaaaand we are back.

It has always been a pleasure to visit Pack Leader but both Tom and Malcolm are under no illusion that this visit to Taichung surpassed all others in cementing the relationship between our two companies and the personal bonds between partners, and THAT is how we roll.

In this eco-friendly world it might not be as acceptable as it once was, but if you want to strengthen relationships, tighten bonds, and secure a better business partnership, jump on a plane, and sit down face-to-face…… the Advanced Dynamics way. Cheers!



Exceed your expectations

Give us the opportunity. Allow us to demonstrate what we believe makes us different, to show you why working with a partner is infinitely better than working with a supplier.

Tom & Vanessa from Advanced Dynamics